This paper discusses and compares pre-pausal devoicing, glottalisation and aspiration in Arabic dialects in Yemen, Asir (south-west Saudi Arabia) and Mehri, also referring to the general background of this process. The findings reveal gradation in pre-pausal processes. For Sanani Arabic the findings include: (1) Pre-pausal glottal closure in environments –VV]/-VVC]/-VVS]. In final -VC] glottal closure follows/coincides with oral closure. In -VS], no glottal closure or devoicing is evident, the sonorant is audible. (2) Glottalic release of oral stops. /b/ pre-glottalised, but may be released with some aspiration. (3) Non-realisation of nasals in -VCS]. (4) Pre-glottalisation and devoicing or non-realisation of final sonorant consonants in -VVS], of which relative probability of non-realisation among sonorants is /n/ > /m/ > /l/ > /r/. (5) C. 200% longer pre-pausal vowels, fricatives and affricates. (6) Weakened intensity in lower frequencies of final fricatives.