In Italian, the length contrast is exploited in the consonant system. Previous articulatory studies focused on the temporal organization of gestures in Italian geminates and on the kinematics of the singleton/geminate distinction. Goal of this paper is to discuss data on lip and tongue gestures in order both to directly test some hypotheses on the the gestural organization of geminate consonants [cfr. Smith, 7] and to collect observations on the possible position of gestural targets in geminate and singleton consonants [cfr. Löfqvist’s, 4]. Results show that Italian geminates appear to be best accounted for by a hybrid model with respect to Öhman’s Vowel-to-Vowel model and Browman and Goldstein’s Vowel-to Consonant one. On the other hand, the data we considered point to the existence of a higher virtual target for geminates than for singletons.