Kanae Sawamura1, Jianwu Dang1, Masato Akagi1, Donna Erickson2, Aijun Li3, Kyoko Sakuraba4, Nobuaki Minematsu5 & Keikichi Hirose5
1Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology,Japan; 2Showa Academia Musicale; 3Institute of Linguistics Chinese Academy of Social Science,China; 4Kiyose-shi Welfare Center for the Handicapped; 5The University of Tokyo

ID 1065
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It is believed that there are some common factors independent of languages and cultures in human perception of emotion via speech sounds. This study investigated the factors using 3 country people. An emotional speech evaluated using 3- and 6-emotional dimensions. It was found that most speech materials were perceived to have multiple emotional components, even though a single emotion had been intended to be expressed by the speaker. This phenomenon is common across the three cultures. The principle component analysis showed that the loading pattern of the explanatory variables was consistent with one another for the three different cultures at about 67% cover rate. This suggested that people of different language/cultural backgrounds can perceive emotion from speech sounds sans linguistic information to about the same extent. Extending the evaluation dimension from three emotions to six emotions, it was found that “anger” “joy” and “sad” constitute three basic emotions.